Home Assistant Auto Discovery
The integration to Home Assistant is done via MQTT auto discovery. The benefit of auto discovery is that no additional software needs to be configured in Home Assistant for it to work.
Why aren't inputs included in auto discovery?
Home Assistant auto discovery is only provided with the output information, not input message events, like a button press. You can read more about automating with inputs using MQTT.
What does FireFly use for the Home Assistant Auto Discovery topic?
FireFly uses the default topic root of homeassistant
for auto discovery. You can configure this inside the MQTT settings. There is a maximum length of 24 for the topic root. It should not include a trailing /
MQTT Message Sequences
During the setup()
process (and eventually loop()
process), the controller will execute the following MQTT actions after making a connection to the broker:
Diagram Source Code
Source text to create this diagram on sequencediagram.org
title MQTT Message Sequences
participantspacing equal
materialdesignicons F1C9A "Controller" as ctl
materialdesignicons F0317 "MQTT Broker" as mqtt
materialdesignicons F07D0 "Home Assistant" as ha #18bcf2
ha->mqtt: Subscribe Auto Discovery
group #c2efff setup()
ctl->mqtt: Connect()\n--Will Topic: ""FireFly//{UUID}///availability""\nWill QoS: ""2""\nWill Retain: ""True""\nWill Message: ""offline""
group #c2efff Update
ctl->mqtt: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Update--\n--Retained--
mqtt->ha: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Update--\n--Retained--
ctl->mqtt: Subscribe Command Topic
ha-->ha: Create MQTT Device
ha-->ha: Create Firmware Update\n--Update--
ha->ha: Firmware Update <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Update--
ha->mqtt: Subscribe Availability Topic
ha->mqtt: Subscribe State Topic
group #c2efff Start Time
ctl->mqtt: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Sensor--\n--Retained--
mqtt->ha: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Sensor--
ctl->mqtt: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ha-->ha: Create Start Time\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: Start Time <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->mqtt: Subscribe Availability Topic
ha->mqtt: Subscribe State Topic
mqtt->ha: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
group #c2efff IP Address
ctl->mqtt: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Sensor--\n--Retained--
mqtt->ha: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Sensor--
ctl->mqtt: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ha-->ha: Create IP Address\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: IP Address <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->mqtt: Subscribe Availability Topic
ha->mqtt: Subscribe State Topic
mqtt->ha: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
group #c2efff MAC Address
ctl->mqtt: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Sensor--\n--Retained--
mqtt->ha: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Sensor--
ctl->mqtt: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ha-->ha: Create MAC Address\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: MAC Address <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->mqtt: Subscribe Availability Topic
ha->mqtt: Subscribe State Topic
mqtt->ha: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
group #c2efff Error Count
ctl->mqtt: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Sensor--\n--Retained--
mqtt->ha: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Sensor--
ctl->mqtt: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ha-->ha: Create Error Count\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: Error Count <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->mqtt: Subscribe Availability Topic
ha->mqtt: Subscribe State Topic
mqtt->ha: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
group #c2efff Temperature
ctl->mqtt: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Sensor--\n--Retained--
mqtt->ha: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Sensor--
ctl->mqtt: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ha-->ha: Create Temperature\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: Temperature <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->mqtt: Subscribe Availability Topic
ha->mqtt: Subscribe State Topic
mqtt->ha: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ctl->mqtt: Publish Availability: <color:#green>""online""</color>\n--Retained--
ha->ha: Start Time <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: IP Address <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: MAC Address <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: Error Count <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: Temperature <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Sensor--
group #c2efff For Each Output
ctl->mqtt: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Light/Fan/Switch--\n--Retained--
mqtt->ha: Publish Auto Discovery\n--Light/Fan/Switch--
ctl->mqtt: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ctl->mqtt: Subscribe Command Topic
ctl-->mqtt: Publish Brightness State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ctl-->mqtt: Subscribe Brightness Command Topic
ha-->ha: Create MQTT Device
ha-->ha: Create Output\n--Light/Fan/Switch--
ha->ha: Output <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Light/Fan/Switch--
ha->mqtt: Subscribe Availability Topic
ha->mqtt: Subscribe State Topic
mqtt->ha: Publish State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ha->ha: State <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Light/Fan/Switch--
ha-->mqtt: Subscribe Brightness State Topic
mqtt-->ha: Publish Brightness State: <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ha-->ha: Brightness <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Light--
group #fffba8 loop()
ctl->(5)ctl: Check for Update\n--Timer Elapsed--
ctl->mqtt: Publish Firmware Update Service Availability: <color:#green>""online""</color>
mqtt->ha: Publish Firmware Update Service Availability: <color:#green>""online""</color>
ha->ha:Firmware Update <color: #0000ff>""online""</color>\n--Update--
group #808080 Update Server Unavailable #white
ctl-x(5)ctl: Check for Update\n--Timer Elapsed--
ctl->mqtt: Publish Firmware Update Service Availability: <color:#red>""offline""</color>
mqtt->ha: Publish Firmware Update Service Availability: <color:#red>""offline""</color>
ha->ha:Firmware Update <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Update--
ctl->mqtt: Publish Firmware Update State: JSON\n--Update--
mqtt->ha: Publish Firmware Update State: JSON\n--Update--
ha->ha:Firmware ""Up-to-date""\n--Update--
group #808080 Update Available #white
ha->ha:Update <color:#0000ff>""Available""</color>\n--Update--
ctl->ctl: Temperature Event\n--Change Threshold Exceeded--
ctl->mqtt: Publish State (Temperature): <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
mqtt->ha: Publish State (Temperature): <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ha->ha: Temperature <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Sensor--
group #808080 Temperature Hardware Failure #white
ctl->ctl: Temperature Hardware Failure\n--Error Condition--
ctl->mqtt: Publish State (Temperature): <color: #0000ff>""0""</color>\n--Retained--
mqtt->ha: Publish State (Temperature): <color: #0000ff>""0""</color>\n--Retained--
ha->ha: Temperature <color:#0000ff>""0""</color>\n--Sensor--
group #808080 Error Logged #white
ctl->ctl: Error Log Size Changed\n--Error Condition or Error Cleared--
ctl->mqtt: Publish State (Error Count): <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
mqtt->ha: Publish State (Error Count): <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Retained--
ha->ha: Error Count <color: #0000ff>""Value""</color>\n--Sensor--
group #808080 Network or MQTT Connection Failure #white
ctl-xmqtt: Connection lost
mqtt->ha: Last Will and Testament: <color: #red>""offline""</color>\n--""FireFly//{UUID}///availability""--\n--Retained--
ha->ha:Firmware Update <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Update--
ha->ha: Start Time <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: IP Address <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: MAC Address <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: Error Count <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: Temperature <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Sensor--
ha->ha: Output <color:#808080>""Unavailable""</color>\n--Light/Fan/Switch--
Retained Messages and Last Will & Testament
Most entities are retrieved from MQTT because of the retained message flag being enabled, with few exceptions. All outputs retrieve their last known status from MQTT.
In the event the controller loses connectivity, the MQTT Last Will & Testament will set the entities to Unavailable
Each controller will be defined as a device and will contain information about the status of the controller. Examples are below for a controller with a UUID 673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f
Firmware Updates
Indicates if a firmware update is available. If so, the firmware update can be launched from MQTT by sending the payload_install
value to the command_topic
Availability topic is different for this entity
The availability topic is different for the Firmware Update
entity than for other entities. For the update entity to not be marked unavailable
, both the standard controller availability and the update's availability must be online
. This allows for the Firmware Update
entity to indicate if the update availability service is operational.
Example auto discovery topic:
Example auto discovery payload:
"name": "Firmware",
"unique_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-update",
"object_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-update",
"icon": "mdi:update",
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"name": "FireFly Controller Upstairs",
"manufacturer": "P5 Software, LLC",
"model": "FF1235-9901",
"serial_number": "673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f",
"sw_version": "2024.8.2",
"suggested_area": "Tech Room"
"availability": [
"topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/update/availability"
"topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/availability"
"availability_mode": "all",
"state_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/update/state",
"command_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/update/set",
"payload_install": "do-update"
Example state topic:
Example state payload for Update available
"installed_version": "2024.8.2",
"title":"App Release 2024.12.1",
"release_summary":"We added awesome new features!",
"release_url": "https://github.com/BrentIO/FireFly-Controller/releases/tag/2024.12.1"
Example state payload for Up-to-date
"installed_version": "2024.8.2",
"title":"App Release 2024.8.2",
"release_summary":"An early version that was still awesome!",
"release_url": "https://github.com/BrentIO/FireFly-Controller/releases/tag/2024.8.2"
Start Time
Start Time is the time the controller booted, in epoch seconds. If NTP isn't available at boot time, the payload is updated when NTP is able to determine the approximate boot time.
Example auto discovery topic:
Example auto discovery payload:
"name": "Start Time",
"unique_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-time-start",
"object_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-time-start",
"icon": "mdi:clock",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"name": "FireFly Controller Upstairs",
"manufacturer": "P5 Software, LLC",
"model": "FF1235-9901",
"serial_number": "673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f",
"sw_version": "2024.8.2",
"suggested_area": "Tech Room"
"state_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/time-start/state",
"value_template": "{{ ( value | int ) | timestamp_utc }}",
"availability_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/availability"
Example state topic:
Example state payload:
IP Address
Current IP address in dot notation.
Example auto discovery topic:
Example auto discovery payload:
"name": "IP Address",
"unique_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-ip-address",
"object_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-ip-address",
"icon": "mdi:ip",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"name": "FireFly Controller Upstairs",
"manufacturer": "P5 Software, LLC",
"model": "FF1235-9901",
"serial_number": "673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f",
"sw_version": "2024.8.2",
"suggested_area": "Tech Room"
"state_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/ip-address/state",
"availability_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/availability"
Example state topic:
Example state payload:
MAC Address
Current ethernet MAC address in colon notation.
Example auto discovery topic:
Example auto discovery payload:
"name": "MAC Address",
"unique_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-mac-address",
"object_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-mac-address",
"icon": "mdi:ethernet",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"name": "FireFly Controller Upstairs",
"manufacturer": "P5 Software, LLC",
"model": "FF1235-9901",
"serial_number": "673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f",
"sw_version": "2024.8.2",
"suggested_area": "Tech Room"
"state_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/mac-address/state",
"availability_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/availability"
Example state topic:
Example state payload:
Error Count
The current number of errors in the error log.
Example auto discovery topic:
Example auto discovery payload:
"name": "Error Count",
"unique_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-count-errors",
"object_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-count-errors",
"icon": "mdi:alert",
"entity_category": "diagnostic",
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"name": "FireFly Controller Upstairs",
"manufacturer": "P5 Software, LLC",
"model": "FF1235-9901",
"serial_number": "673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f",
"sw_version": "2024.8.2",
"suggested_area": "Tech Room"
"state_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/count-errors/state",
"availability_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/availability"
Example state topic:
Example state payload:
The current temperature reading from one of the sensors on the controller. Each sensor is added as its own entry, if the controller features one or more temperature sensors.
Example auto discovery topic for the Center
temperature sensor:
Example auto discovery payload for the Center
temperature sensor:
"name": "Center",
"unique_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-temperature-Center",
"object_id": "FireFly-673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f-temperature-Center",
"icon": "mdi:thermometer",
"device_class": "temperature",
"unit_of_measurement": "°C",
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"name": "FireFly Controller Upstairs",
"manufacturer": "P5 Software, LLC",
"model": "FF1235-9901",
"serial_number": "673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f",
"sw_version": "2024.8.2",
"suggested_area": "Tech Room"
"state_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/temperature/Center/state",
"availability_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/availability"
Example state topic for the Center
temperature sensor:
Example state payload:
Each output is defined as a separate device that is linked to the controller using the via_device
attribute. Note that the enttiy type is determined by the icon selected.
Binary Light
Circuit 999 is a binary light in the kitchen. The controller's configuration JSON is configured as:
"outputs": {
"5": {
"id": "C999",
"name": "Recessed Lights",
"area": "Kitchen",
"icon": "light-recessed"
Example auto discovery topic:
Example auto discovery payload:
"name": "Recessed Lights",
"unique_id": "FireFly-C999",
"object_id": "FireFly-C999",
"icon": "mdi:light-recessed",
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"name": "Recessed Lights C999",
"via_device": "673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f",
"suggested_area": "Kitchen"
"command_topic": "FireFly/C999/set",
"state_topic": "FireFly/C999/state",
"state_value_template": "{% if value|int > 0 %}ON{% else %}OFF{% endif %}",
"availability_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/availability"
Example state topic:
Example state payload:
Example state payload:
Example command topic:
Example command payload:
Example command payload:
Variable Brightness Light
Circuit 888 is a variable brightness light in the bedroom. The controller's configuration JSON is configured as:
"outputs": {
"12": {
"id": "C888",
"name": "Reading Lights",
"area": "Bedroom",
"type": "VARIABLE",
"icon": "wall-sconce"
Example auto discovery topic:
Example auto discovery payload:
"name": "Reading Lights",
"unique_id": "FireFly-C888",
"object_id": "FireFly-C888",
"icon": "mdi:wall-sconce",
"on_command_type": "brightness",
"brightness_scale": 100,
"device": {
"identifiers": [
"name": "Reading Lights C888",
"via_device": "673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f",
"suggested_area": "Bedroom"
"command_topic": "FireFly/C888/set",
"state_topic": "FireFly/C888/state",
"state_value_template": "{% if value|int > 0 %}ON{% else %}OFF{% endif %}",
"brightness_command_topic": "FireFly/C888/set",
"brightness_state_topic": "FireFly/C888/state",
"availability_topic": "FireFly/673be2c4-87cc-41e1-bb4e-96367161b02f/availability"
Example state topic:
Example state payload:
Example state payload:
Example command topic:
Example command payload:
Example command payload:
Output Auto Discovery Field Mapping
Note: If not set in the controller's configuration JSON, the field is not sent to MQTT
Field | Data Source |
name | Outputs -> name |
unqiue_id | Concatenation of hard-coded "FireFly-" + Outputs -> id |
object_id | unique_id |
device -> identifiers | unique_id |
device -> via_device | Controller's UUID |
device -> name | Concatenation of Outputs -> name , single space, and Outputs -> id |
device -> suggested_area | Outputs -> area |
icon | Concatenation of hard-coded "mdi:" + Outputs -> icon , which must be a valid MDI icon |
on_command_type | Hard-coded brightness when the output type = VARIABLE |
state_value_template | Hard-coded {% if value|int > 0 %}ON{% else %}OFF{% endif %} when the output type = VARIABLE |
brightness_scale | Hard-coded 100 when the output type = VARIABLE |
Topic names | Concatenation of hard-coded "FireFly/", Outputs -> id , and the topic |
Home Assistant Device Types
Device types for outputs are determined based on the icon
defined in the outputs
section of the controller configuration. Refer to the chart below for mapping of device types that will be used.
Icon name contains | Device Type will be |
light | light |
sconce | light |
lamp | light |
fan | fan |
All else (including null ) | switch |