OLED and Event Log Abbreviations
Abbreviations that can be found in the event log or error display are documented here.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
Inpt ctl | Input controller |
Out ctl | Output controller |
Temp sen | Temperature sensor |
No I/O setup (EEPROM) | I/O cannot be configured because the EEPROM UUID is empty |
No I/O file to read | I/O cannot be configured because there is no file matching the controller's UUID in ConfigFS |
No I/O ConfigFS offline | ConfigFS is not mounted |
In parse err error | There was an ArduinoJSON parsing failure when trying to read the controller's ports section of the configuration file with error specified |
In prt # > max | The input port number specified in the controller's JSON is greater than the number of ports defined for the controller |
In prt # ch > max | The number of port channels defined on the port exceed the maximum (typically 4) |
In prt # < 1 | The input port number specified is less than 1 |
In prt # ch # inv act | Input port # channel # has an invalid action and the action will be ignored |
Out prt # > max | The output number specified in the controller's JSON is greater than the number of outputs defined for the controller |
Out prt # < 1 | The output number specified is less than 1 |
Out prt # no id | The output number specified is missing the required id field in the JSON configuration |
Out parse err error | There was an ArduinoJSON parsing failure when trying to read the controller's outputs section of the configuration file with error specified |
MQTT conn timeout | MQTT connection timeout |
MQTT conn lost | MQTT connection lost |
MQTT conn fail | MQTT connection failed |
MQTT conn disconnect | MQTT connection disconnected |
MQTT bad creds | MQTT bad credentials |